Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians of Bethel Middle School students,
Welcome to Bethel Middle School. Our entire BMS staff is excited to meet your student and start this next adventure with them. Our mission is to prepare all students to be career and college ready, both academically and socially. Our core values are Respect, Responsibility, Courage and Hard Work. You can expect your Bulldog to learn how to live these values throughout the year.
Building Hours -- School Year: September - June 28th Open 7:00-2:30; Summer Hours: Building Closed during July and early August. August 16-August 30; Open 7:25-2:30
Building Schedule:
Our regular bell schedule is a 7 period day. Students start each morning with Advisory for 25 minutes, then have periods 2-7 for approximately 50 minutes each. There is a 4 minute passing period between each class.
Attendance is important! Please review our attendance policy found on this website. Students are to be in class and in their seat before the bell rings. More than 10 absences in a school year is a problem Administrators will work with you and your student to create a learning plan if absences approach an amount of concern, typically more than 2 per month.
Pick up and Drop off of students:
Parents listed as Family One in Synergy are allowed to pick up and drop off students. All other adults must be authorized with approval from the parent/guardian only. The office must have contact with the primary guardian before releasing the student.
Transportation changes/Bus Passes
All students must have a written note from their parent to receive a bus pass to ride home on a different route. Requests must be received by 11:00 a.m.
Ipads and On-line learning
Bethel School District uses 1:1 iPads for each student. Every student must have an iPad for learning activities at school. These can go home with the student as well to facilitate at-home learning and homework. Students should bring a charged iPad to school each day. On-line learning platforms such as Canvas, Big Ideas, Amplify, and Imagine Math are utilized daily. Ipad insurance is available online and via the ASB office.
School Supplies
Note: Each Core Class (Math, Science, Social Studies, English/Language Arts) requires the following materials every day. This list may need to be replenished throughout the year.
- 1 box colored pencils
- Pencil pouch
- #2 pencils
- Pens (blue or black only for writing, one red for correcting/editing)
- Highlighters assorted colors
- One binder with dividers/pocket folders for each class
- One 3 inch 3 ring binder for organizing classes/materials
- One composition book for each Core Class-total of 4
- Earbuds
School Dress Code
Per Board Policy 3224 Clothing: All clothing needs to be appropriate for school. Markings or insignias on clothing must not be obscene, suggestive, or advocate disruptive, sexual, or illegal activity. Clothing may not advertise or promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gang affiliation/activity, or weapons. BMS dress code guidelines include the following: Shirts/Tops: Shirts must cover adequately to show no cleavage; must cover backs, stomachs and sides completely; and must have sleeves, which cover to the edge of shoulders. Pants/Shorts/Skirts: Pants/shorts need to fit the student and be worn AT THE HIP. Shorts, dresses, skirts, or holes in jeans, must not show visible skin above the fingertips.
PE Information
All PE students should have the following PE attire: T-shirt (no drug or alcohol-related logos), athletic shorts, socks, and athletic tennis shoes with laces. Sweatpants are recommended in cold weather. Please label each item with first and last names using permanent ink. Lockers and combination locks are provided for all PE students.
Arrival on Campus / Breakfast Hours
On a regular basis, students should not arrive on camps earlier than 6:50 AM. Students will report to the courtyard area (or cafeteria through the courtyard). The front doors remain locked until 7:05. Breakfast will be served daily from 6:50 – 7:10 AM. We expect students to move to their classes when the hallways open at 7:05 AM. Instruction will begin promptly at 7:10 AM.
We have a very active ASB (Associated Student Body – Student Government) at BMS. Our Leadership club organizes dances, school spirit events, assemblies, activity nights, and promotes positive social engagement throughout the school. ASB cards are required for students taking part in ASB clubs, organizations and school sports. ASB cards are available on Bulldog Day and in our ASB office during the year.
All athletic forms will be available on-line. A Doctor’s Examination/Physical Form must be turned in to practice. These are needed yearly. Pay to Pay fee and ASB card must be purchased yearly, before participating in a competition. Grade checks occur every Monday. 6th graders are eligible for all sports except football; 7th and 8th are eligible for all sports. Please reference our Athletics tab on our website for more information.
Website and Facebook Page
Please follow us on Facebook at
Have a great remainder of the summer. Our office will open 2 weeks prior to the first day of school. Prior to our returning, feel free to call and leave a message at 253.800.7200 and someone will return your call as soon as possible.
Stephanie Lewis, Principal
Julia Muneshige, Assistant Principal