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Learning Committments

Bethel Middle School is committed to the following practices:

Inclusion -- 95% of our special education students are fully included in all courses. We utilize co-teaching, para-educator support, and universal design for learning to support all of our students. We believe in high standards and high support so that all of our learners meet individual growth goals.

Restorative Practices -- We seek to reduce our discipline referrals and out-of-school suspensions through the application of restorative practices in 100% of our student management plans. 

Social-Emotional Learning -- We are committed to helping students learn to navigate their emotions as they develop and grow during early adolescence. This means social-emotional learning is embedded into our lessons and our response to students who struggle with behavior or engagement.

Setting Students Up for Success -- We utilize a positive behavior support system, which includes pre-teaching expectations, preferred behaviors, and standards for conduct. We also provide tiered academic intervention that assumes all students benefit from clear models of learning and academic outcomes. 

Use of Technology to Grow -- Teachers are committed to utilizing technology, particularly our iPads, in a manner that helps students to grow and enhances learning. Students will use their ipads and paper/pencil for various assignments as they learn to navigate these tools.

Teachers Collaboration -- Teachers collaborate regularly in structured PLCs and during unstructured time. Our teachers meet weekly during our late start to examine data, plan lessons, and collaborate for student success.

Our Special Education team works collaboratively with General Education Teachers to implement supports in a systematic and inclusive manner.

Our Continuum for Support can be seen here.


Creating Inclusive Partnerships


Bethel Middle School is a 1:1 iPad school. Students will utilize iPads in every classroom throughout the day. Our primary learning management system is Canvas. Teachers focus on teaching students to integrate their use of technology with critical thinking and production. 

Students are supported in their learning through the integration of online learning websites, digital textbooks, and integrating learning apps.

Students are protected and supported through restrictions and firewalls which can be increased or decreased based on individual student needs and responsibility levels.

Teachers participate in technology training and support classes every year to keep their knowledge current. For more information visit the BSD Digital Learning page by clicking here: Bethel Digital Learning


Bethel Digital Learning Image


Responding to Student Behaviors - Restorative Practices and Behavior Supports

Our Behavior Leadership Team guides our staff in developing supports for students to decrease distracting and disengaged behaviors in the classroom.

We combine the PBIS practices of setting clear expectations, responding first with positive interventions, and having an intervention mindset with the Restorative Practices of accountability, emotional awareness, and community circles.


Flowchart of consequences for major and minor infractions




Panorama and Bethel School District logo

Social-Emotional Learning and Mental Well-Being is a priority.


We want to foster and promote healthy social-emotional skills for all our students so they can learn and thrive. 

We will be asking for your child’s feedback using the Panorama Social Emotional Learning Survey. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process through which individuals build awareness and skills in managing emotions, setting goals, establishing relationships, and making responsible decisions that support success in school and in life. Students in 3rd through 12th grade will be asked to complete the Panorama SEL online survey during November. The survey will ask students to self-reflect on their own social and emotional skills. The questions students will answer are available by request.  The data we get back will inform our educational practices and help us continue to identify opportunities for growth and development with our students. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. As with all screeners and assessments, student data will remain confidential and secure.

We use the data from this survey in the following ways:

  • Set direction for advisory lessons
  • Teachers will reach out to individual students about concerns
  • Counselors will invite some students to small groups based on the needs indicated on the survey

We take the Panorama SEL survey 3 times per year. Our 2020-2022 goals are in increasing our student's ability to name emotions they are feeling and to make a plan for managing their emotional health.

If you are interested in our current test data, please contact the main office.