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Counseling Center

Counseling Center BMS

"Curve balls a coach can't explain. Chemistry not found in a lab. That's why there are School Counselors."

Welcome to the Counseling Center website. Bethel Middle School consists of 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Bethel Middle School is filled wonderful staff and students. We strive to create a welcoming, friendly learning environment with rigorous academics. Bethel Middle School implements a program called Making Middle Grades work in an effort to continue to improve our school. We are generally available from 7:00 to 2:30. Due to our busy schedule, it is highly recommended you call ahead for an appointment to ensure you will be seen. We are often in classrooms, meetings or out on assigned duties. You can contact the Counseling Secretary/Registrar at 683-7284 for an appointment. You may fax information to our building fax number at 800-7298.

We have six subject periods daily plus an advisory period every day. All students take the required core subject classes at each grade level. There are three elective choices including, band, choir or a set exploratory elective rotation at each grade level for one period. Each student will also take a set technology rotation of classes as part of the curriculum. Any student not meeting standard may be required to lose one or both elective rotations to take a helping class in the areas of math or reading. Our goal is to have all students meet academic standards.

WEB - BMS has implemented a Student Program called WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) that is dedicated to transitioning 6th graders and welcoming them to our school. You can find our more information about this program under links.

Some key tips to increase academic achievement for struggling students at BMS are following:

  1. Synergy: If you are a student or parent of a student at Bethel Middle School, I highly recommend using  Synergy/ParentVue to follow students grades and attendance. Parents and guardians are given a Family Access account upon registration. If you have questions regarding accessing your account we would be happy to assist you here in the Counseling/ASB Center. Students should been given their login and passwords through their advisory teacher.
  2. Using a planner: I also recommend daily use of a planner for students and a supervised homework area to be designated for use in the evening.
  3. Keep in weekly contact with teachers and check teachers websites regularly: Email teachers if you have questions or concerned regarding your student's academic progress. Be sure to check out your teachers web pages for information on their classes and assignments.
  4. Be involved with school activities: Join the PTA, go to school events, become a volunteer at school. Show your children you take and interest, support school and that school is important.
  5. Check your child's binder, notebook and backpack regularly for unfinished work, missing assignments and see that they stay organized.
  6. Check out school homework helper on the web. I have listed homework helping websites on the links page, that can help students with their work.
  7. If you have tried the above suggestions and things still are not improving you can contact your son or daughter's school Counselor to set up a staffing with teachers before or after school.

Virtual Counseling Center Support (links to a google slide w/embedded links to resources) 

Carol Kulbeck, Counselor A-K

Jessica Squire, Counselor L-Z

Stephanie Jones, Registrar

Makeda Thomas, School Psychologist

Victoria Lerman, Social Worker